
What is the information you need to provide in  your printed pieces to achieve results? What is the content that will go on your website?

Information architecture (structure and hierarchies) are all designed by analyzing and interpreting complex and often abstract data into easy-to-use interfaces, paying special attention to user friendliness.

It is important for visitors to websites, or readers of printed materials, to immediately get the intended message or information sought. With iinformation overload, viewers’ attention span is short. Successful info architecture makes the content clearly available within seconds.

Once the structure is designed, then color, texture, typography and graphic imagery can all be used to achieve a compelling brand voice and face for your business.

Clement Mok clearly diagrams what falls into info architecture, info design, and info arts.

Considering the interface between your identity and your target audience is the next step.

oberon design
skaggs foundation
city spirit natural pages
fico integrated brochures